In November 2021, TCEQ announced that the TAMU-OSSF Research Team was selected to conduct the following three new research projects funded under the TOGP Phase II.

  1. RV/ATU project to conduct filed studies to document Wastewater Treatment Challenges at RV Parks and to determine if determine if the minimum treatment requirements as found in 30 TAC § 285.91(4), are being achieved by ATUs serving residential and non-residential dwellings.
  2. DRIP project to develop standard procedures for drip irrigation design, installation, and maintenance; and
  3. E-FLOW project to identify technologies and applications that can be utilized to eliminate liquid water discharge from on-site sewage facilities.

Click on the following photos to learn more about each project:

Following two presentations were made by the research team so far on these projects at the TOWA and NOWRA Annual Conferences in 2022.

  1. Current and Future Status of TCEQ Funded Research at TAMU (Click to download PDF)
  2. RV_PARKS_ATU SAMPLING Presentation (Click to download PDF)
  3. DRIP Project (Click to download PDF)

Follow this page to learn more about our findings on these projects during 2023.  Projects are expected to be completed by early 2024.

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