TOGP Research

In August of 2019, the Texas On-Site Sewage Facility Grant Program (TOGP) awarded us three grants to the support applied research and demonstration projects for on-site wastewater treatment technology and systems. Following three projects funded through TOGP-I have been successfully completed at our OSSF Center on RELLIS Campus:

  1. ATU project to study effects of low-flow and time-dosing on effluent quality,
  2. LPD project to study effects of two alternative designs on effluent distribution, and
  3. REUSE project to study performance two onsite wastewater reuse technologies in real-world operating conditions.

Click on the following photos to learn more about each project:


Five papers have been presented by the research team on these projects.  Click on the following links to download the papers:

  1. Onsite Wastewater Research Funding – Texas Model (2020 AIM-ASABE)
  2. On Site Water Treatment Research at Texas A&M (2020 AIM-ASABE)
  3. Development & Application of a Synthetic High-Strength Waste… (2021 NOWRA)
  4. Onsite Wastewater Research Program @ TAMU: Low-Pressure Dosing… (2021 NOWRA)
  5. Updates on State Funded Research @ TAMU: Reuse of Black Water… (2021 NOWRA)

Final reports for all three projects are now available for downloading.

  1. To download ATU Report,    Click here.
  2. To download LPD Report,    Click here.
  3. To download REUSE Report, Click here.

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